What is Dimecoin?
What Is Dimecoin (DIME)?
Dimecoin (DIME) is a digital currency which aims to bridge the gap between traditional fiat and blockchain technology. First launched in December 2013, Dimecoin is one of the oldest UTXO blockchains in existence today.
Who Are the Founders of Dimecoin Network?
Dimecoin Network, stewards of the Dimecoin Blockchain, is based in the United States of America and was established February of 2018 by its founder Ryan Downey.
Dimecoin Network operates primarily through the help of its volunteer members from within the Dimecoin community. These members share a common belief and passion for facilitating the growth of not only Dimecoin but cryptocurrency as a whole.
What are the goals of Dimecoin Network?
Dimecoin Network aims to facilitate the growth and adoption of blockchain technology through the development of payment gateways and technology geared towards streamlining P2P and digital remittances via the use of the cryptocurrency Dimecoin (DIME).
What Makes Dimecoin (DIME) the Cryptocurrency Unique?
Dimecoin (DIME) aims to remain fully decentralized. The development team has no controlling interest or stake in any pre-mine. Additionally, there has never been an initial coin offering ICO or any sort of fundraising linked to the blockchain.
How Many Dimecoin (DIME) coins Are There in Circulation?
As of December 2020, the total supply is roughly 556 billion coins. Given its status as a currency for every-day use, the supply is uncapped, and will continue to expand at an inflation rate of less than 1.5% yearly.
Recent chain analysis conducted estimates that there is roughly 478.3 billion coins currently in circulation.
For a more detailed breakdown regarding the supply, check out this article on the Dimecoin website.
How Is the Dimecoin Blockchain Secured?
Dimecoin’s blockchain consensus mechanism is proof-of-work (PoW).
As of March 2022, the Dimecoin Network development team is currently in the final stages of updating the consensus mechanism to a hybrid PoW-PoS consensus which will introduce staking and masternodes.
Where Can I trade Dimecoin (DIME)?
Dimecoin (DIME) is available on several exchange platforms and is available for trading with various pairs of cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, DOGE LTC, BNB, directly with fiat (USD, EUR, & RUR), and stable coins such as USDT and USDC across the following exchanges: Xeggex, Crex24, and C-Patex.
Additionally, Xeggex allows users to create liquidity pools and trade $DIME against any coin/token listed on Xeggex.
Important Links
Web: https://www.dimecoinnetwork.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dimecoin_
Telegram: t.me/Dimecoinofficialpublic
Telegram Support: t.me/dimeofficialsupport
Discord: discord.gg/JqcKF4v
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimecoincommunity/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dimecoinnetwork/
CoinGecko Beam: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dimecoin
FTX: https://blockfolio.com/coin/DIME